Farm & Ranch Life
Monthly Farm News
Every month we will have updates of what we are doing on the farm and ranch! We know the community loves seeing these hard working cowboys and what a day in the life looks like out here in the country. For daily updates make sure to follow us on social media! (Clicking on the picture will take you to our facebook)

Fields August 2023
Its Corn Harvest Time! Big machines. Dust and corn husks are in the air. Kernels of corn filling up the silos. This is a busy time of year. All you see from dawn to dusk is combines in the fields and trucks hauling the corn.
Fields August 2023
The Dove Hunter’s Will Be Here At The Ranch This Week!
Dove Season Opens September 1st & Goes Through November 13th, 2023. Dove hunting is a way for hunters to practice their shooting skills or have fun.
Be Sure To Check Out Our Dove Hunter’s Promo Box!
Click Here For More Information
October 2023
Our New Sign!
Helping to guide families to the ranch and the meat shop.
We held a naming contest for our mascot and the winning name was Maggie Moo! So Maggie Moo is on our new sign guiding our customers to come shop with us!
She is even in the spot light at night.
We have also been working diligently on the website to add products by item to give more options to shop from instead of just boxes that are pre-made! We hope you are able to shop the site with ease and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
December 2023
Discovering Happiness in Life’s Simple Pleasures
As a new chapter begins, it’s important to reflect on what brings us true joy. Listen closely to the whispers that fill your heart with delight, for they will lead you to genuine contentment. For us, tending to the land and caring for our animals brings us immense happiness, and we intend to continue basking in these simple yet fulfilling pleasures.
Happy New Year!

Pastures August 2023
With the temps being over 100 degrees daily, the cattle find comfort under the shade of the big trees. You can sometimes see them going for a swim in the stock tanks to cool off! These beauties are checked all day.
September 2023
Fall is in the air at the Farm & Ranch!
After this long dry spell and hot weather we are happy to see some rain and certainly the cooler tempatures…
Harvest is over and its time to start moving hay bales to get ready for winter. The farm side will start planning for planting as they get the fields tilled. And the ranch side will be working cattle.
Texas only has 2 extremes Hot & Freezing it seems like!
November 2023
What Are You Thankful For?
We have been very busy painting the meat shop, finishing up this year and already working on the 2024 crop year, but we took a little time to reflect on what we are thankful for. Some of our answers to that question are:
Being able to watch and participate in a small way in the cyclical rhythm of preparing the ground, planting crops, caring for them and bringing them to harvest; watching new baby calves meet their mothers and learn how to find their milk, grow, and thrive. Daily reminders that we are all part of a much bigger scheme.
The opportunity to work doing what I love.
Health, life, kids, and grandkids, including the one on the way.
A new opportunity in a new place.
My husband and kids, a roof over my head, a great job working with people who care about me.
Chance to work at a part time job gaining real world experience while in the John Deere program.
Being able to wake up every day at my age and cut hay.
That I can be useful and helpful to the crew, the critters, our vendors, our customers, and everyone I meet.
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!