How to Skillet Cook a Ribeye Filet

Ribeye Filet

A ribeye filet is a cut of beef that is taken from the rib section. 

The ribeye filet is a relatively small cut of meat and is a boneless cut that is trimmed of excess fat and connective tissue. This leaves only the most tender and flavorful meat. Because of its small size, the ribeye filet is often cooked quickly over high heat, such as by grilling or pan-searing.

It can be seasoned simply with salt and pepper, or with a variety of other spices and herbs, depending on personal preference. The ribeye filet can be served on its own as a main course, or sliced and used in dishes like sandwiches or salads.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 Ribeye Filet (about 1-2 inches thick)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder

Cooking Utensils for Skillet Cooking

Skillet or Frying Pan:

A heavy-bottomed skillet or frying pan is best for cooking ribeye filet. Cast iron or stainless steel pans are good options because they heat evenly and retain heat well.


Tongs are essential for flipping the steak and moving it around in the pan. Use long-handled tongs to keep your hands away from the heat.

Meat Thermometer:

A meat thermometer can help you cook the steak to the desired level of doneness. Stick the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak for an accurate reading.


A spatula can be useful for flipping the steak if tongs aren’t your preferred utensil.

Butter or oil:

Use a small amount of butter or oil to coat the bottom of the pan before cooking the steak. This will prevent sticking and help the steak develop a crispy crust.

Garlic and Herbs:

Optional, but adding garlic and herbs to the pan can infuse the steak with flavor as it cooks.

Plate and Aluminum foil:

When the steak is finished cooking, use a plate and aluminum foil to cover and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Always use caution when cooking with hot pansand lways use appropriate heat-resistant utensils to avoid burns or injuries.

Recipe Instructions:

Step 1: Take the Ribeye Filet out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling.

Step 2: Preheat the grill to high heat.

Step 3: Rub the Ribeye Filet with 2 tablespoons of olive oil on all sides.

Step 4: Season the filet with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon of garlic powder.

Step 5: Place the Ribeye Filet on the grill, directly over the heat.

Step 6: Grill the filet for about 4-5 minutes on each side for medium-rare, or until it reaches your desired level of doneness.

Step 7: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the filet. It should be at least 135°F for medium-rare, 145°F for medium, and 155°F for well-done.

Step 8: Once the filet is cooked to your liking, remove it from the grill and let it rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Enjoy your delicious and juicy Ribeye Filet